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Improve the Quality of the Testbenches using specialized PySlint solutions

Conference: Verification Futures 2023 (click here to see full programme)
Speaker: Balram Naik Meghavath
Presentation Title: Improve the Quality of the Testbenches using specialized PySlint solutions

Simulation is the most common RTL verification technique, involving the execution of testbenches are essential for the verification of the designs. SystemVerilog and UVM have been widely adopted over the last two decades. However, the complex nature of these languages/methodologies can make it difficult for junior-level engineers to create maintainable and reusable code.

Static linting checks have been widely used for RTL design, but they have not been used as widely adopted for Testbenches. In this talk, we share our experience in using a popular open-source framework named PySlint to lint-check SystemVerilog UVM Testbeneches.

We show how PySlint can be used to identify potential problems in SV-UVM Testbenches, such as coding style violations, potential bugs, and potential performance bottlenecks. We also show how PySlint can be used to generate reports that can help engineers to improve the quality of their Testbenches building a robust verification environment process. Some key components of a robust verification environment includes, Testbenches, coverage matrics, Assertions, regression testing

We believe that PySlint can be a valuable tool for improving the quality of SystemVerilog UVM testbenches. By using PySlint, engineers can identify and fix potential problems in their testbenches early in the development process, which can help to prevent costly delays and errors.

SystemVerilog: 1800-2017 - IEEE Standard for SystemVerilog--Unified Hardware Design, Specification, and Verification Language

UVM Use Guide


Speaker Bio:

16+ years of SoC design Verification in Mobile, storage, GPS, Bluetooth,WLAN technologies.

Key Points:
  • Testbench
  • linting
  • PySlint
  • SystemVerilog
  • UVM
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