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Establishing Trustworthy CAV Systems

Conference: Verification Futures 2019 (click here to see full programme)
Speaker: Professor Carsten Maple, University of Warwick
Presentation Title: Establishing Trustworthy CAV Systems
Abstract: Connected and Autonomous Vehicle systems are receiving a great deal of attention currently. This talk will discuss some of the current cyber security threats in these systems. We will also present an overview of an integrated approach which we believe will assist in the development of trustworthy systems.
Speaker Bio: Professor Carsten Maple is Director of Research in Cyber Security and Professor of Cyber Systems Engineering in the Cyber Security Centre at the University of Warwick, where he leads the GCHQ-EPSRC Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research. He is the Privacy and Trust stream lead in PETRAS, the UK Research Hub for Cyber Security of the Internet of Things. Professor Maple has published over 200 peer-reviewed papers has provided evidence and advice to governments and organisations across the world, including being a high-level scientific advisor for cyber security to the European Commission. He is a member of various boards and expert groups.

Professor Maple is Principal or Co-Investigator on a number of projects in cyber security and is currently, or has recently been, funded by a range of sponsors including EPSRC, EU, DSTL, the South Korean Research Agency, Innovate UK and private companies.

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