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RISC-V Certification: Applying Advanced RISC-V Core and SoC Verification Towards the Anticipated Certification Requirements

Conference: Verification Futures 2024 (click here to see full programme)
Speaker: Adnan Hamid
Presentation Title: RISC-V Certification: Applying Advanced RISC-V Core and SoC Verification Towards the Anticipated Certification Requirements

RISC-V processor cores are becoming more complex and varied, driving an ever greater need to prove their quality through advanced verification. RISC-V International has instigated a new Certification Group to target a quality metric, and this requires a range of new, automated verification test solutions. Through his work with multiple RISC-V core providers to extend their verification environments to meet modern processor verification requirements, the author has a unique perspective towards meeting these certification requirements. The presentation proposes a range of test “layers” that extend beyond standard random instruction generation to include system integrity verification. This presentation will demonstrate a number of these verification capabilities, how they have improved RISC-V verification, and how they may meet the certification needs of the future.

Speaker Bio:

Adnan is the founder and CTO of Breker and the inventor of its core technology. Noted as the father of Portable Stimulus, he has over 20 years of experience in functional verification automation, much of it spent working in this domain. Prior to Breker, he managed AMD’s System Logic Division, and also led their verification team to create the first test case generator providing 100% coverage for an x86-class microprocessor. In addition, Adnan spent several years at Cadence Design Systems and served as the subject matter expert in system-level verification, developing solutions for Texas Instruments, Siemens/Infineon, Motorola/Freescale, and General Motors. Adnan holds twelve patents in test case generation and synthesis. He received BS degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Princeton University, and an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin.

Key Points:
  • RISC-V certification has revealed new requirements and needs that may be applied across SoC development.
  • Breker has established new techniques to tackle some of these issues for RISC-V that may also be applied to other blocks
  • This presentation will outline many of these techniques to address core certification.
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