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Verification in the Face of Cyber Threat

Conference: Verification Futures 2019 (click here to see full programme)
Speaker: Peter Davies, Thales UK / AESIN
Presentation Title: Verification in the Face of Cyber Threat
Abstract: Whereas those systems on which we used to rely most used to characterisable as small scale and closed and were therefore amenable to having traditional design and V&V applied many of those that are now becoming most important to us are open and  relying on scale to deliver their effects.  This paper will discuss problems with our existing V&V practices including how these may now be part of the problem rather than part of the solution and by concentrating on systems where safety is a consideration, make practical suggestions about what legally sustainable best practice might be where resilience is a consideration and in the face of emergent properties and cyber attacks.
Speaker Bio: As a Technical Director of Thales in the UK Peter has been their leading expert on Cryptography in the UK responsible for providing cryptography and information security direction and expertise on a variety of products and projects. Previous work includes the development and certification of flexible and interoperable commercial security solutions that are also widely used by governments; these solutions are available worldwide and support the security of both communications and infomatics in an international, multi grade environment. Peters specialist knowledge is at the core of the cyber defence and forensics activities that he undertakes combatting existential treats against business.  Peter has, interacted on security and products at any level from Prime Minister, through Board to deep technical including Certification Labs and partners developing and sustaining business opportunities worldwide. Peter has generated patents in the area of digital DNA and his research covers aspects of technical security as well as aspects of super-identities and their role in combatting human based cyber-attacks. As well as contributing to standards Peter is a frequent speaker at international conferences and delivers lectures to postgraduate information and cyber security programmes in the UK and worldwide.

Concentrated on Digital Resilience and Survivability.  Involved in the specification and development of many successful large-scale security schemes including credit card and mobile phone.

Peter currently leads the Security Workstream for the Automotive Electronic Systems Innovation Network (AESIN) and security lead to the Innovate UK funded research programmes AutoDrive and RoboPilot.

Among his recent awards Peter has recently won the 2017 Automobile Division prize for Safety and Security awarded by the Automobile Division Board of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers for his work on cybersecurity and presentation on ‘Addressing challenges in ensuring cyber security for autonomous vehicles’ and in 2018 received TechWorks Contribution to Industry honour for his work to advance cyber security and position the UK as a leader in this sector.

Peter is a frequent speaker at conferences and contributor to journals concerned with Automotive Cyber Security, CNI, Law Enforcement and Commercial security.  Interested in the paradigm shift in security models that must accompany a more connected and less controlled environment.

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